Saturday, December 8, 2007

My Personal Art

I've decided to upload a little original content for my loyal blog viewers... if I have any yet... erk haha.

These are just two of my better pieces I have done.

Click on the images to enlarge them.

The image on the left is a digital portrait of Japanese model, Chinatsu Wakatsuki. I used Corel Painter 8 and a Wacom Graphire tablet to get that one done. It took maybe 8 hours to do. I'm a slow worker... The hair came out nice though, and the custom bruhes for the original background did their job, too.

The art on the right is a mixed-media self portrait. I did it in kind of an Escher style without thinking about his artwork. Charcoal and pastel pencils were used to put this one together. I really enjoy messing with colors and thats how the colors in the iris came out so magnificent. That is my eye, by the way. I love smearing...

So there you have it... if you'd like to check out more of my work, you can find it at my Deviantart account Righhhhhht HERE.
